Podcast App UI kit

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Voicebooster is a Podcast App. It is a iOS app UI Kit for Adobe XD. This app has the live streaming feature. if you are planning to make a podcast or relevant app this UI KIT is perfect for you. It is fully editable IOS app for Designers and Developers. The kit includes 20+ stylish screens to help you ship your next product faster.
If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to leave them all in the comments section below.
See more details in the attached preview.
– Adobe XD
100% vector editable and scalable. The color is easy to change. Each illustration is organized, named & very easy to use.
- 20+ Screens
- Well Organized Layers and Groups
- Screen size: iPhone X (375x812px)
- 100% Fully Customizable
- Scalable vector & Free Google Fonts
- FREE Illustrations + Icons






2017-2023 Dohoavip -All Rights Reserved.
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Dohoavip.com là một trang web cung cấp nội dung đồ họa miễn phí hỗ trợ các nhà thiết kế đồ họa mới bắt đầu cũng như những người làm việc tự do. Bạn không cần mất quá nhiều thời gian để tìm kiếm, trên trang web của chúng tôi bạn sẽ tìm thấy nhiều nội dung cao cấp miễn phí như Mockups,Preset, Actions, Video Templates, Fonts, Luts, Sounds, và nhiều hơn nữa.