Abstract Loaders Pack For Final Cut Pro X

Dung lượng: 34,5MB
Lượt tải: 138 lượt
Loại tệp: ZIP,RAR
Pass giải nén (nếu có): dohoavip.com
Bạn cần đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký tài khoản và nạp points để tải về tài nguyên này!
- Abstract ,
- Bar ,
- bodymovin ,
- buffering ,
- collection ,
- customizable ,
- Free
* 22 vector-based animated colorful Abstract Loaders Pack for Final Cut Pro X and Apple Motion
* On-Screen Controls (OSC), you can control transform in view panel with your mouse
* Made with Apple Motion 5.6.5 and above, Works with Final Cut Pro X 10.6.6 and above
* You can customize Transform and full color controls
* Video tutorial included
* No Plugins required
* Well Organized Project
* Free support






2017-2023 Dohoavip -All Rights Reserved.
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